Slash Experience Privacy Policy

Written on 29th of January 2022

Our contact details

  • Name: Edouard de Ribou
  • Address: 52 rue du Colombier, 69007 Lyon, France
  • Phone number: +3342 42 42 6 61 42 42 42 41 72 48
  • Email:

What, why and how do we collect data?

In order to function, this website makes use of personal data. We'll explain what and why exactly.

Contact form

When you submit the contact form, you are providing us with your name and e-mail address.

Those are required in order for us to reply to you.

This information is stored for a duration of 90 days by our transactional email provider Mailchimp as well Google, our inbox provider. This initial mail might be kept in our inboxes as long as our commercial relationships take place.


You have an option to provide your e-mail address in order to receive our newsletter.

It is not mandatory that you subscribe to it and you can unsubscribe at any time via the links provided in the newsletter itself.

Your subscription will remain active until you cancel it.

Anti-fraud detection

A range of personal information can be collected by ReCAPTCHA in order to protect the contact form from fraudsters and illegitimate contact attempts.

You can find the detail of collected items in Google's Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

Usage statistics

Usage statistics of the website are collected using Plausibe and uses anonymization techniques in order to avoid collecting any personal data.

You can read more about how it works in their Data Policy.